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GDPR compliance

Fulfill GDPR requirements easily

By leveraging confidential computing, Edgeless Systems solutions help ensure compliance holistically.

What is GDPR?

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a set of rules designed to protect the personal data and privacy of individuals. It establishes guidelines for how organizations collect, process, and store personal data, giving individuals more control over their information. Non-compliance with GDPR can result in hefty fines of up to 4% of worldwide annual turnover. In 2023 alone, fines of more than €2 billion have been imposed for GDPR violations.

How does confidential computing help with GDPR compliance?

Confidential computing is a new technology that enables data to be encrypted at rest, in transit, and in use.


Implement "privacy by design"

GDPR mandates that companies implement measures to protect privacy and data right from the start. Confidential computing, which encrypts data at every stage of its lifecycle, aligns with this requirement.


Keep data anonymous

One of the most important solutions for data protection is data anonymization, as anonymous data is not subject to GDPR. According to data privacy experts, always-encrypted data is equivalent to anonymous data.


Preserve data integrity

By making your data invisible to unauthorised parties, confidential computing preserves data integrity. Furthermore, with remote attestation, one can always verify with cryptographic certificates that the app running has not been tampered with.


Enable secure data sharing

Confidential computing enables secure data sharing among untrusted parties. It allows multiple parties to jointly process encrypted data without exposing personal information to any participant in clear text.

The highest levels of data security and privacy with confidential computing

Confidential computing keeps data always encrypted—at rest, in transit, and in use. Sensitive applications processing personal information can be fully isolated from the infrastructure. The security mechanisms can even be verified based on cryptographic certificates.

Data always encrypted

Interested in Edgeless Systems solutions to facilitate GDPR compliance?

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