OC3 registrations are now open! Join the premier event for confidential computing online or in Berlin on March 27.

Illustration NIS 2 compliance

NIS2 compliance

Implement state-of-the-art security for NIS2 compliance

Edgeless Systems' confidential computing software delivers unparalleled security for your workloads, combining ease of use with great scalability to meet stringent compliance requirements.

What is NIS2?

NIS2, short for Network and Information Systems Directive 2, is an EU directive aimed at enhancing the security and resilience of network and information systems across critical infrastructure. NIS2 significantly broadens the scope of sectors and types of entities covered, requiring organizations to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to manage cybersecurity risks. This includes employing effective encryption practices to prevent and minimize the impact of potential incidents. Member states have until October 2024 to transpose NIS2 into national law, as the directive came into effect in January 2023.

Who does NIS2 apply to?

NIS2 applies to large enterprises in 11 essential sectors, including energy, transport, healthcare, finance, and aerospace, covering a broad segment of the economy. It distinguishes between "important" and "essential" entities: "important" entities face lower fines and reactive supervision, while "essential" entities are subject to proactive supervision.

What is confidential computing?

Confidential computing is a cutting-edge technology to encrypt data not only at rest and in transit, but also in use. It also verifies data integrity through remote attestation. This combination of runtime encryption and integrity verification ensures data is kept secure, allowing organizations to use third-party infrastructure without needing to trust it. This approach meets NIS2 requirements by providing the highest level of security for companies against backend attacks.

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Edgeless Systems solutions facilitate NIS2 compliance

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State-of-the-art security

Confidential computing encrypts data at runtime and ensures integrity through remote attestation.

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Great performance

High availability and close to native performance.

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Open source

Our products are open source, promoting community-driven innovation. Explore and try them now on GitHub!

Want to learn more about confidential computing?

Fill in the form to talk to our experts on how to easily integrate confidential computing and build a robust security posture to comply with NIS2.

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